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What comes to mind are a few games such as: Runescape: Runescape is a free MMORPG that is free to make an account and run around the free areas and worlds. The members only areas unlock more content, but is around USD $6 a month. However, you can play anywhere. The files are uploaded once you click your world to start playing. Guildwars: Not 100% sure about guildwars, but i have heard it makes a good comparison.

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15y ago

WOW is really one of the best ones out there. However, you could also try Lord of the Rings online or Guild Wars.

Runescape is also similar to wow. It's an mmorpg (massive multiplayer online role-playing game) with millions of members. The game is free for general members, but costs $5.00 a month for special membership.

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Is there a game like World of Warcraft?

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Is runescape the largest online game in the world?

No, there are other games bigger like World of Warcraft.

Is single player in World of Warcraft the same as online play?

Yes. World of Warcraft is a MMORPG (Massive Multiplayer Online Role Play Game) game. Which makes it only online play.

Where can you get a game like World of Warcraft?

You can get a game like World of Warcraft in a video game store. If you want a game other than World Of Warcraft, I would recommend going to the website in the related links section.

Is there a similar game like runescape online?

Yes, World Of Warcraft is one.Yeah it is but not better than the coolest game runescape

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Rappelz, Cabal, FF online the only good nominations

What online games are like runescape?

Only World of Warcraft, but that game requires a lot of downloads. and feudalism

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fate and warhammer onlinemay i suggest runescape the free online game

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Is Atlantica Online cool?

well.... that depends if you like strategic online mmorpgs also if you have played the world of warcraft trial or full game i guarantee you will like this game if you don't then just uninstall it

Is World of Warcraft a free online game?

No, World of Warcraft uses a paid subscription model. However, you can download and play a free 10-day trial version to see what it's like.

Free game like World of Warcraft?

gates of andaron,and Shaiya are kinda like world of warcraft and are totaly free