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Princess Peach and Princess Daisy

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12y ago

princess peach and queen daisy

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Q: What princesses are in Mario?
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How many Princesses are there in Super Mario?


How many paper Mario princesses are there and who are they?

Yellow man, jiggli giggli and toony nam

What are all the princesses names in Mario and luigi?

prinsess rosalina prinsess dasiy prinsess peach

Is Yoshi the cutest of all in the Mario Kart?

Yoshi could be the cutest but there are a lot of cute players such as the baby Mario bro and the baby princesses or the toads

Is princess peach a boy?

Princess peach is a princess and princesses are not boy also she would not kiss mario when he saves her and she does kiss mario so yeah peach is a girl.

How do you spell princesses When their are 2?

You spelled it right - princesses

Can ANYONE remember an anime or animated show that had monsters kidnapping three princesses you know this is vague but it is all you have to go on?

Uh Super Mario Brothers ?

On super smash bros brawl what is the music where you vs the false princesses?

The music is from Super Mario bros 3 its the music you hear when your in a castle or fortress.

Are there any OTHER Mario Princesses?

Yes. There's Pauline, who appeared in Donkey Kong arcade game, and there's Rosalina then there's always Daisy.

Can princesses vomit?

Yes, princesses do vomit.

Who are the two princesses in the book two princesses of bamarre?

The two princesses are Adelina (Addie) and Meryl.

Who were Princesses in the Bible?

There were no "princesses " in the Bible. A few queens.