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Q: What should you do if your small bot capsizes?
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What should you do if your small boat capsizes in a stream?

If you have a small boat that capsizes in a stream you should try to roll it over. If the stream is shallow this should be easy.

What should you do if your small craft capsizes in a stream?

You should float on your back with your toes pointed downstream.

What you do you do if your small craft capsizes in a stream?

You should float on your back with your toes pointed downstream.

What should you do if your small craft capsizes in swift?

Float on your back, with your feet pointed downstreamAnswer this question…

What should you do if you small craft capsizes in swift water?

Float on your back, with your feet pointed downstreamAnswer this question…

What should you do if your small craft capsizes in swift water?

Float on your back, with your feet pointed downstreamAnswer this question…

EP-30 What should you do if your boat capsizes?

When your boat capsizes you need to stay with your boat

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What should you do if your small boat capsizes?

If a small boat capsizes, the first thing to do is try and float on the back with toes pointed toward shore or downstream if in a river. Use the arms to try and push toward shore. Yell for help as loud and as often as possible. If a person can reach the capsized boat, one or two people can climb onto the keel of the boat out of the water.

What should you do first if a boat capsizes and floats away?

securely fasten your PFD!!

What should you do if your boat capsizes and remains afloat?

stay with the boat and signal for help.

What s the safest way to float if your small craft capsizes?

Float on your back on the upstream side of the craft.