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Q: What significance do the stained mantelpiece and bruised wallpaper have?
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Are stained glass windows religious?

Yes, stained glass windows have a particular religious significance.

What is the significance of a stained glass picture with a green rose in it?

Green is the color of the energy of love. The rose itself represents the heart chakra.

What does religious imagery mean?

Religious imagery pertains to pictures (paintings, drawings, stained glass, etc.) or objects that have religious significance due to their use of symbolism.

When was Blood Stained created?

Blood Stained was created in 1996.

When was Stained Impressions created?

Stained Impressions was created in 1985.

Is a ruby stained by a metal or compound?

A ruby is stained by a compound.

What is a sentence for stained?

My new party dress became stained with mud the car splashed on me. The secretary's fingers were stained bright purple from the mimeograph machine. His teeth were yellow-stained from years of cigar smoking.

How do you use stained in a sentence?

My little sister had stained her new shirt.

Why microbes are stained?

microbes are stained so they can be visualised under a light microscope.

When was Tear-Stained Letter created?

Tear-Stained Letter was created in 1983.

When was Blood Stained Shoes created?

Blood Stained Shoes was created in 2012.

When was Pages Stained With Blood created?

Pages Stained With Blood was created in 1984.