in pounds + dollars i will put own each top team from each division with how much they start off with.
first Premier League:
Arsenal - $ 55,350,000 in pounds £ 30,150,000
Chelsea - $ 129,150,000 ^ £ 70,350,000
Manchester United - $ 104,550,000 in pounds £ 56,950,000
Liverpool - $ 73,800,000 in pounds £ 40,200,000
Ligue 1 :
Lyon - $ 67,60,000 in pounds £ 36,850,000
Bayern Munich - $ 73,800,000 - £ 40,200,000
Inter - $ 98,400,000 - £ 53,600,000
Juventus - $ 73,800,000 - £ 40,200,000
Milan - $ 86,100,000 - £ 46,900,000
Roma - $ 55,350,000 - £ 30,150,000
Liga BBVA:
Barcelona - $92,250,000 - £ 50,250,000
Real Madrid - $ 104,550,000 - £ 56,950,000
so as you see Real Madrids 104,550,000 dollars or 56,950,000 pounds is lower than Chelseas 129,150,000 dollars or 70,350,000 pounds.
chelsea are they start with 129,150,000
yes fifa is richest than united nation
Download it from PlayStation Network
Currently, work is going on for FIFA 09 Ultimate Team saves to be transferred to FIFA 10. Whether or not you need to re-purchase Ultimate Team for 10, it's unclear, but it may be possible to use 09's Ultimate Team on 10.
They should be in Series A for FIFA 10 on PSP
The best team on fifa 10 is Classic XI then World XI then Barcelona The best country is Netherlands and Spain
Barcelona easily
ac milan
YES because fifa ultimate team is mint <><><><><><><><> Hey, I was watching a Video for Fifa 10 about a month ago, and as they scrolled down the Menus, in "Game Modes" it said Ultimate Team, i contacted EA about Ultimate Team and they have confirmed that Ultimate Team will be avalible for Download on the Xbox 360 Marketplace and PS3 Store around Christmas. However they did not confirm if there was going to be a price for Ultimate Team. Although i have read on IGN, that the people who payed for Ultimate Team on FIFA 09, will be able to purchace UT on FIFA 10 for FREE. <><><><><><><><><>