For guitar, I'd say lifeline is the hardest. But for the whole band to play, the Impression that I Get is probably the hardest.
The hardest guitar hero 2 song is Jordan or can sometimes be called YYZ. Its rated 3 hardest song in guitar hero history. This song will burn your fingers
From what I hear, One is the hardest & Master of Puppets is second hardest.
there no specific song that u can say is the hardest song on guitar but usually their fans and most of the critics consider that "Fade to the black" and "master of puppets" are their hardest song on gutair.
"World's hardest song" is not a guitar hero song,It's modded,The mod is guitar hero: customYou need you console chipped or programmedThen you need to go to the site to download the songMy apologies I do not know what the site is called..
hot for teacher
This Day We Fight!
you just have to pass every song perfectly
It's been awhile since I played, but in my opinion, "Play With Me" is the hardest. I have trouble playing that song on medium!
Through the fire and flames.
Through the Fire and Flames.