There are many different Video Games that allow people to do stunts on a BMX bike. One such popular video game is the 'Stunt Master' as well as other games.
There are a lots of web-sites that have videos with bike stunts. Only simply search and video can be found on sites like: youtube, metacafe, dailymotion, break, stunterschool, and so on.
One may find videos of sport bike stunts at Super Street Bike. They are also available at at Break, Biker Punks, Fake Turbo, Moto Video, Stunt Ride and and Stunt Life.
depends on what stunts. But it's dangerous to do stunts on a bicycle. Always have an adult teach you.
bmxing is when you ride a bmx bike and do stunts :)
Answer:No. Sin is the transgression of the law (I John 3:4)... that is, the Ten Commandments.None of the Ten read, "Thou shalt do no stunts on a bike."
One can find videos of dirt bike stunts by going to the website YouTube. YouTube has hundreds of videos of riders doing different stunts with bikes such as whips, twirls and freestyle stunts. Another website worth checking out is called "Bike Stunt Videos". They also have a large library of videos to check out.
The cast of Motor Bike Jump Stunts. Pants Get Killed - 2004 includes: Kim Johnsen
in mauville city your choices are a mach bike (very fast but hard to turn) acro bike (a bike that is not very fast but easy to turn and you can do stunts with it)
you can do bike stunts in vc by placing some or bumps or any thing . Or there are ramps too.
You could jump off a roof and land in a bush, cycle a bike into a wall, try walk on a thin pole, if its snowing- backflip a sledge
1985 Yamaha YZ 80 and the stunts were done by a stunt double on a 1985 Yamaha YZ 250
motor bike riders are professional riders which do stunts and tricks with out falling off