The Trade Federation Droid Control Ship
by alex
The luxury droid in Lego Star Wars 3 is basically a protocol droid, so it has the same abilities as C-3PO
He is a protocol droid
In the Star Wars universe, the 2-1B surgical droid, which was the most popular and the most advanced medical droid, costed 4,300 credits.
Episodes 1, 2, and 3 are the only ones with droid armies in them. Episode 2 has the biggest army size than both Episodes 1 and 3 combined
The droid army
you rape it
no it dose not:)
The name of the droid is C-3PO, not C3P4. He is a protocol droid in the Star Wars universe.
The best Lego mini figures is the limited edition solid 14K gold C-3PO. There are only five of him.