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20 but you can store unlimited amounts in the storage box

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Q: Whats the maximum amount of whetstone in monster hunter?
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How do you get the whetstone in monster hunter tri?

You can buy it from the item shop or you can mine for it

What can you combine with a whetstone on monster hunter tri 3?

you can combine whetstones with husk berries to make slicing shots

Why did Online for Monster Hunter stop?

Due to the low amount of players playing the game.

What main website is monster hunter on?

monster hunter wiki

What is the latest monster hunter game?

that would be Monster Hunter Freedom Unite on PSP and Monster Hunter Tri on Wii.

How does one become a monster hunter?

No one in the world can sensibly be a monster hunter as monsters aren't real. However, there is a video game called 'Monster Hunter' and it is popular and one can become a monster hunter through there.

Is any going to answer monster hunter questions?

I will answer any monster hunter questions you have :)

What are all the monsters in monster hunter tri?

You can get that and more on the monster hunter wiki

How do you get invicibility in monster hunter freedom?

There is no way to get invincibility in Monster Hunter Freedom.

When did Monster Hunter Tri happen?

Monster Hunter Tri happened in 2009.

When did Monster Hunter Freedom happen?

Monster Hunter Freedom happened in 2005.