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Q: When do French factories shut down?
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Over one thousand factories were shut down due to a deathly chemical that was being omitted.

Who invent factories?

John .H. Nash because he thought that it would come in handy and he said that hopefully the next president would not shut them down

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You just shut down computer

What can law enforcement do to cut down on illegal drug use?

shut down all factories and if they refuse give them a massive fine there one way suprised noone thought of it i think it's stupid

How many people were laid off when Henry ford shut down his deroit automobile plant?

they stated in 2006 that they will cut 30,000 jobs and 14 factories by 2012

Why was the name rust belt appropriate for the northeast and Midwest?

there are many closed down factories

Why did quizillacom get shut down? has not shut down.

Why did nickeloden shut down?

Nickelodeon has not shut down.

How do you spell shut up in french?


What is past tense of shut down?

Shut is an irregular verb the past is the same shut, so the past of shut downis the same shut down.They shut down the factory at 6:00pm everyday -- present.They shut down the factory late yesterday. -- past.Shut downis a phrasal verb. It has two parts shut and down but they act as a single word.