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November 10th, 2011

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Q: When is assassins creed revalations coming out?
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Is there online in Assassins Creed revalations?


When is the Assassins Creed revalations demo coming out?

it is going to come out when it feels like it ok it can do what it wants so leave it alone or it will eat you and kill you

What do you do if your assassins creed revalations game for xbox has no sound?

Turn the sound up

How long is Assassins Creed revalations?

9 sequnces but then you side quest too

How long does it take to beat assassins creed revalations?

It took me 4 days

Which is better Skyrim or assassins creed revalations?

Assasins creed all the way Skyrim is kinda hard and not as fun

Is Leonardo devinci in Assassins Creed revalations?

no hes not sadly. he was legendary.

How does Assassin's Creed 3 relate to the older Assassin's Creed games?

Assassins creed 1 2 and 3 are the main games brotherhood and revalations are just follow on games from assassins creed 2

Is there going to be another assassins creed game?

yes after assassins creed revalations there will be one last game called embers I hear it will be the best game of the year it comes out

When will the assassins creed revalations demo come out for ps3?

It's unlikely that one will be released for the PS3 or XB360.

How do you get the Turkish armor of assassins creed revalations?

i jus finished the game then i got it simply easy game

How do you disarm your cross bow in assassins creed revalations?

Once the crossbow has been purchased, it cannot unequipped.