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Laurianne Howe

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Q: When was gaming invented?
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Why was gaming invented?

Gaming was invented for leisure, as it is something people do for fun.

Why was RuneScape invented?

For gaming.

Why was the PSP invented?

for gaming pleasure

Why was a DS invented?

To provide portable gaming.

When was the 1st gaming station invented?


Why was Fable 2 invented?

it is a better gaming xp...

Who invented the playstation gaming system?

i think it's Sony

Why is the Xbox360 invented?

mostly for gaming but also for chatting shopping and so on

Why was Nintendo Wii invented?

The Nintendo Wii was developed for use as an entertainment/gaming console.

What is the new technology in electronics invented after 2005?

The new technology in electronics invented after 2005 include the iPhone and the Wii gaming system. The Amazon Kindle and YouTube were also invented after 2005.

Who invented modern warfare 3 and how?

It was developed by Infinity Ward with help from other gaming developers and there companies

What was the invented in the 19th century?

None. Magnavox Odyssey was made in August 1972 and was the first gaming console.