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Work began on the 3DS in 2008, and finished in late 2010. It was released in March 2011.

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Q: When was the 3DS invented?
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Who invented the 3ds?

Nintendo invented the 3DS.

Where was the 3DS invented?


What year was the 3DS invented?


When was Nintendo 3DS invented?

It was made in 2011

When was the nintendo 3DS invented?

It was made in 2011

Who invented ds's dsi'sand 3ds's?

Nintendo invented the DS

Is the Nintendo 3DS from russia?

No the Nintendo 3DS was invented from Nintendo based in Japan. The Nintendo 3DS was Built and put together in ether china or Thailand. The Nintendo 3DS is Japanese.

Who invented 3ds he or she named?

The Nintendo 3DS was invented by not just a single person but a whole group. The main person involved in Nintendo is the Boss. Satoru Iwata.

What person invented the Nintendo 3DS?

shigeru miyamoto did

Why was the Nintendo 3DS invented?

To Be The First 3D Handheld.

Why was the 3DS invented?

To play 3D DS games with better graphics, and to beat the competition.

Who invented the Nintendo 3DS XL?

Shigeru Miyamoto is the director of Nintendo so he is most likly to have created the Nintendo 3DS XL.