Last sighting was in the 1970's.Some say its still alive.Though no one knows.Its most likely dead.
The last reported sightings of the Mothman were around Point Pleasant, West Virginia, in 1966 and 1967. The creature was frequently seen near the abandoned TNT plant and the Silver Bridge before its collapse in December 1967.
The last Mothman sighting was reported on January 11, 1967.
actually there is a lot of evidence that the mothman is real alot of people from West Virginia and Pennsylvania have seen him , the last sighting i remember its when the Silver Bridge of in West Virginia colapsed. Less Less sightings are reported these days. (in the show "paranormal state" ,("PRS") the investigators went to search for the mothman with Chip a medium and they were close to find it)
The last sighting was in 2004.
The last sighting of Halley's Comet was in 1986. It is expected to return in 2061.
We don't know if Nessie was really "seen," as real existence has not been proven. The last claimed sighting was in 2007.
The last recorded sighting of a Tasmanian wolf, more correctly known as a Thylacine, and also as a Tasmanian tiger, was in 1936.
The Mothman Prophecies was created in 1975.
April 2011.
May 31, 2011.