no but i wish so
No it is not.
I highly doubt it.
NO because it only comes out on psp not another console
Kingdom hearts will not come out for the 360.
no, but there is a kingdom hearts games for the Nintendo DS, PS3, or the x Box 360
There can be a small chance of kingdom hearts to be on 360, seeing as final fantasy is on both PS3 and 360 WRONG: why the top is wrong check this page out on the right side by the picture it says ps 4 xbox one !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TREATED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No not even close that will never happen sorry if that brought you down
It is not on Xbox 360 because it is made my square enix, a Sony ONLY company there will never be a kingdom hearts on the 360 Note: Square Enix also made the final fantasy 13, which happens to be on xbox360. So i guess its not Sony only anymore :)
well if you mean kingdom hearts 358/2 days days and kingdom hearts 2 then 358/2 happens before kingdom hearts 2 but kh2 was released before 358/2 if this isnt what your talking about than sorry however i hope i helped! ^-^
there is a chance that kh3 will be on ps2 because they have already put 1 and 2 on ps2 so if they dont a lot of people will be mad including me ive heard though that they were going to put it on ps3 instead i dont know about xbox 360 square said that if final fantasy 13 was big on the 360 so will kingdom hearts its probabally going to be a multi console game