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Q: Where are strength surf and dive used in Pokemon Tower Defense?
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What Pokemon can learn surf dive and strength?

Wailord and cloyster

How do you get the moves strength and dive on pokemon white?

HM04 Strength is found in Nimbasa City in the house above and to the left of the pokemon center, and HM06 Dive can be found in Undella Town with the Lady in front of Cynthia's villa

Where are the hm's in Pokemon white?

Surf, cut, fly, strength, waterfall, and dive

What are all of the hm in Pokemon Black?

cut, fly, surf, strength, dive, waterfall

Pokemon Emerald were is steven house?

it is on the island with the phsycic gym twins leader and where you get dive with the rocket tower/silho

How many hm's are in Pokemon White?

6 Cut, Fly, Surf, Strength, Waterfall and Dive.

Where are the Hidden Machines in Pokemon black?

yes, there are 6 of them. cut, fly, surf, strength, waterfall, and dive.

How many HMS are in Pokemon white version?

6, cut, fly, surf, strength, waterfall, and dive

Where do you go after you beat sky tower in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon?

stormy sea (requires hm dive){if you need dive talk to medicham(by your house) then talk to lombre then wishcash)}

Where is the hidden move dive in Pokemon diamond?

there is no dive in diamond,pearl,or platnuim.just cut,fly,surf,strength,defog,rock smash,waterfall,and rock climb.

How do you get Dive in Pokemon Pearl?

you have to teach it to a water Pokemon and then go to Pokemon, select the Pokemon you taught it to and you can dive.

How do you find a diver that can teach your Pokemon dive in Pokemon emerald?

You get the abilty to use the move Dive from Tate and Liza in Mossdeep and then you can teach your Pokemon to Dive! X3 POKEMON-1001