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I don't know... I'm stuck on that part too

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Q: Where are the sea horses in maplestory Cygnus knights edition?
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Related questions

Can you get a lance weapon in Maplestory?

lances are for horses, maplestory don't has it :( closes things we have are spears

How many years did horses live with knights?

Horses did not live whith Knights.

What did knights do with horses?

they fighted on horses

What kind of horses did the knights needed?

tall and strong ones like quarter horses. Depends on the knights.

How did knights ride horses?

knights rode horses like any other person would ride a horse

What do knights practice fighting on?


Friesian breed horses were most popular in the Middle Ages for what job?

Friesian horses were popular war horses, and mounts of knights. For the Howrse game for Archimedes the answer is "for carrying knights".

How do you get horses on minecraft xbox 360 edition?

there are no horses in the 360 edition yet but have been confiremed to be in the next update.

Who took care of the knights horses?

The squire. The squire would carry the knights weapons or armor, hold any prisoner the knight might take, protecting the knight, and take care of the knights horses.

What animal was important to a knight?

Horses were important to knights. In fact special heavy horses were bred for them.

How many horses are in a chess game?

Seeing as to how each side starts with two knights (horses) there are four knights at the start of the game. If a pawn is promoted to a knight there can be more than four knights on the board, but this doesn't usually happen.

Will there ever be horses on minecraft pocket edition And anyone know in which update?

There are horses to be rumored coming to the Minecraft pocket edition. The update is unknown.