

Best Answer

Try E-bay. The used things on there are usually REALLY cheap and even the NEW things are usually pretty cheap for regular price!!!!!!!!!!!!!Or try any online selling/auction site from everyday people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Q: Where can i find a cheap Guitar Hero 3 with wireless guitar?
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Is the Guitar Hero guitar wireless?

it depends if you get it wireless

Is the Guitar Hero 2 controller wireless?

No, you can use the guitar hero 3 controller, which is wireless, for guitar hero two

Will the wireless guitar from Guitar Hero 4 work on Guitar Hero 3?

Yes they will work

Can you use Guitar Hero 3 wireless guitar for PS2 for Guitar Hero 2?

yes you can i have all three of them and they all work with the wireless guitar (thank god)

Can you use PS2 wireless guitar that came with Guitar Hero 3 for guitar hero 2 game?


Will a rock band wireless guitar work with any Guitar Hero game?

No, but in Guitar Hero 5 it works!

Will the wireless guitar for the wii from guitar hero 4 work on Guitar Hero 3 for the wii?

Yes, It should.

What is the best option to use as second guitar for Guitar Hero on ps2?

Guitar Hero™ Kramer Striker Wireless Guitar Controller

Can you use a Guitar Hero World tour wireless guitar on rock band games?

not the wireless guitar but if it was wired than you can

Will Guitar Hero 3 wireless guitar work for a wireless adapter for Guitar Hero world tour?

Yes, all the guitar hero controllers (GH 3-6) will work, so you can use a GH 6 guitar on GH 4. ect.

How do you get the wireless guitar work for guitar hero on the ps2?

By plugging in the wireless dongle to the controller port.

What to do when wireless Guitar Hero guitar is flashing?

it means that your batteries are low.