200-400 USD depending on condition, accessories, box, papers, etc..
A brand new one is $279 in Walmart, so a used one should bring $140-$210, depending on how well you have taken care of it.
You can use the Equus 3030 Innova Diagnostic Code Reader to read the codes on an innova 3030.
Answer to the value of a Winchester 190about $150 used, and $200-$250 new.
your gun was made between 1943 to 1947 no records are avaible in those years,47 would be my best guess,value is between 375.00 and 425.00
HP manufactured the LaserJet 3030 and can be bought from several retailers. These retailers include eBay, Memory4less, New Fuser, Upgradebay, and InkCartridgeSpot.
gun collectors want it new in the box any where from 675 to 800 depending on what they want to pay i have one out of the box used in good condition and was offered 300 hundred winchesters are a poor investment but one heck of a accurate 30-30. p.s i use it to hunt deer.
You can buy them on amazon new for about $12.00, but you can buy them used for about $10.00. You can also buy them used or new at game stop, used are $20, new are $35.00. I'd buy a used one 'cause they're cheaper, but new ones are in better condition.
If you're looking for a used original Winchester stock, contact Numrich arms.If you want something new, Google "Stock, Winchester, 1894 OR 94"
You have to buy a new phone or buy a used one.
There are a few places you can buy it from , it depends if you want used or new . Used : www.ebay.com New: http://www.fitnesssource.ca/fs/this-weeks-ad.html
You have to buy a new phone or buy a used one.