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From a pound shop or dollar store. Ones like Poundsaver or Dollar Tree, where everything is £1 or $1.

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Q: Where can you buy the cheapest stick on nails?
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im not sure of the name but go to walmart, they have good nails there

Does the base psp have memory?

No.You have to buy a memory stick The cheapest site I've found to buy them at is

Can children wear fake nails?

Yes children can wear fake stick on nails but not fake fake nails

Can you paint my nails?

Painting press-on nails is a fun way to show off your personality without having to wait for your real nails to grow out. Stick the back of each nail to a cotton swab with adhesive tape or a tack to hold them in place if you want to paint them before you add the nails.

How old do you have to be to get stick on nails?

That depends on your parents.

Does dollarama sell press on nails?

The sell the press on nails that come with the glue but I don't think they sell stick-on nails.

How much are glueon fake nails?

mine were 6 dollars but it came with nail glue so I don't know, I would buy nails with nail glue together but by separate nail glue just in case ypu run out and stick on nails....they don't work..they fall off.

Can you stick false nails on with nail varnish?


Where can you buy a Pandora battery and memory stick ready?

Buy Pandora Battery Kits at LooneyElectronics.Com . Use only genuine products with your PSP. Every memory stick sold at LooneyElectronics.Com is genuine and will last. Our prices are the cheapest for ANY USA Seller. Visit LooneyElectronics.Com Thanks!

Can you buy fake nails in asda?

Yes you can buy fake nails at asda, where all the beauty products are!!!