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First of if your a member and you can go to celestia place then you can get the real ones or if your a non member or member talk to the horse guy outside the battle arena or bazaar but they are really rare to find there wel the good ones that is.

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12y ago

There are only 3 ways that i know of

1. Win them in fights

2. Buy them from the Achievest in Celestia

3. Get a friend to trade some to you

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Q: Where can you find polymorph treasure cards in wizard 101?
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Where do you find legion shield treasure cards you wizard 101?

A TC giver in Celestia.

Where in wizard 101 do you train for the elucidate and simplify treasure card?

I believe they are no longer trainable. Also, you can no longer get the treasure cards in Astral Archives. You can rarely find them in the Bazaar. They DO exist in Treasure Card form, just hard to come by. Some players may still have trained them in the past, but that option is no longer available.

How can you find the value of Marvel Comics cards?

hi You can often find the values of Marvel issued cards in Wizard Magazine, I find that to be the most accurate. Hope this helps

How do you use mutation treasure cards in wizard 101?

Mutation cards are extremely rare, so rare you can only find them in the bazaar. Buy one and get the required spell it can mutate trained. When you are in combat with the mutatable spell in your hand, discard a card you don't need and/or want by right clicking them, then click the Draw button at the bottom to draw the mutation card (if you have other treasure cards included, you might not draw the right one as it randomly chooses). When you draw the mutation spell, just click on it, then the mutatable spell you have in hand and it will turn it into a mutated treasure card in which you can use.

Where do you find a hairdryer in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince on ds?

G the boys dorm and talk to a girl and they will give it to you for 50 wizard cards.

How can you find more information about wizard toys?

One can find more information about wizard toys by visiting the sites that sell wizard toys such as the following; BBC, Yelp's The Wizard's Chest, and Wizard 101.

Where can you find a wizard?

There no wizard they dont you cant find anywhere cuz they dont exist

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SHOP WIZARD!!!!!!!!! SHOP WIZARD!!!!!!!!! SHOP WIZARD!!!!!!!!! SHOP WIZARD!!!!!!!!!

What kind of treasure hunters find treasure?


What level do you learn unicorn in wizard 101?

you either buy a treasure card at the bazaar or be a life wizard level 7 and do moolina wu's quest to get it.

Does Canada have treasure?

no. because it does not have any place to find treasure.

How do you unlock the treasure book?

find the treasure book's key