

Best Answer

if you mean in real life keep dreaming if you mean on the game they are freakin everywhere

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Q: Where can you get a Halo 3 covanant plasma rifle?
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Did humanity win in Halo 3?

Yes, but in the next Halo the Covanant tries once more to get The Ark of the Covanant in Halo 4: The Beggining of the End

What are all the halo weapons?

halo combat evolved: m6d pistol , ma5b assault rifle , m9 he-dp grenade , m90 shotgun , s2 am sniper rifle , m19 ssm rocket launcher, m41 laag , plasma rifle , plasma pistol , needler , plasma grenade. halo 2: smg , battle rifle , particle beam rifle , brute shot , carbine , energy sword , machine gun turret , magnum , needler , plasma rifle , rocket launcher , shot gun , sniper rifle. halo 3: assault rifle , battle rifle , beam rifle , brute shot , carbine , energy sword , flamethrower , fuel rod gun , gravity hammer , machine gun turret , magnum , mauler , missile pod , needler , plasma pistol , plasma rifle , plasma turret , rocket launcher , sentinel beam , shotgun , SMG , sniper rifle , spartan laser , spiker. halo reach: assault rifle , DMR , grenade launcher , magnum , rocket launcher , shotgun , sniper rifle , spartan laser , concussion rifle , fuel rod gun , focus rifle , needler , needle rifle , plasma launcher , plasma pistol , plasma repeater , plasma rifle , energy sword , gravity hammer , plasma cannon , machine gun.

Is the assault rifle better on halo reach or Halo 3?

In halo reach there is some small moderations. The Rifle is slighty more accurate and has a new visual upgrade. But the assault rifle in Halo 3 is much better becuase it has more ammo (the rifle in reach only has 32 and the rifle in halo 3 has 60) and is the original version.

In which halo game is the gravity rifle IE Halo Combat Evolved Halo Custom Edition Halo 2 Halo 3?

Halo 2 has the gravity rifle in it but i (think) you have to have the custom edition to get the gravity rifle.....

What gun is the worst in Halo 3?

Plasma Pistol, as it is in about all Halo games.

Is their Halo 3 toy guns?

yes there is a fake plasma pistol and assult rifle and even a life size energy sword. i dont know where to get them though

How do you get a focus rifle in Halo 3?

You don't. Halo 3 doesn't have Focus Rifles, they are only in Halo: Reach.

Do grunts have plasma grenades on Halo 3?

yes they do

What is the type of blue glowing grenade in Halo 3?


Is the Halo 3 Assault rifle returning in Halo 4?

The 3 round burst gun from halo3.

Will Halo 3 Odst have the assault rifle?


How do you get better at sniper rifle Halo 3?
