If you mean that by leaving link when battling ganondorf (1st part) then it is because ganondorf uses part of his triforce power to make it so Navi can't lock on to him. all you have to do for that part is him the energy orb with your sword. In other words ganondorf uses his power to keep navi out of the battle. If you mean why does navi leave after the game ends, ts because navi was only meant to join link and help him save hyrule, she cant stay with him because hes a hylian not a kokiri, but im sure they talk sometimes.
Ahahahahahaha. Unfortunatley you can't, but you can mute the TV to drone her out. :D
As of yet, Link is never reunited with Navi. It probably won't happen, either, unless a game with the same Link from OoT is made.</
Navi leaves link at the end, why else would he get a different fairy in the next one. Navi leaves him because he is no a real kakiri child
Nav Mann goes by Navi.
OoT is abbreviated for Ocarina of Time. The fifth Zelda game is called The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. People call it Zelda OoT for short =).
Navi is 5' 11".
Go through the spirit temple as a child and you will get them.
The last we see of midna is she goes off into the mirror then destroys it with a tear but you cant save so midna will be with you next time you go on the game and explore Hyrule
If you mean as a kid, go to the temple of time. if you mean as an adult, go to kakariko viliage.
Perini Navi was created in 198#.
The population of Navi Mumbai is 1,119,477.
Navi Dhanoa is 5' 11".