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They go to your Games menu. All downloads can also be seen in your Downloads History. Go to Account Management > Download History.

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Q: Where do xbox 360 download games go?
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Can you download Xbox 360 games to the Xbox?

yes of course Firstly, go to Register Select game to download Download and burn to DVD 9 Put the game in xbox 360 Enjoy

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If you like the Xbox 360, will go online and download add-ons for games then yes.

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If you have an Xbox 360 and you have Xbox Silver or Gold you can go to games and download it if they have it.

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you go to games and then search arcade games then look for minecraft and then download demo or buy and download the full version

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Some games, but not all of them.

Can Xbox games go in Xbox 360?

Nearly all Xbox games should work on the Xbox 360, but quite a few don't.

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Where can you play an online multiplayer UNO game?

on the xbox 360 you could play many games and if you go to the market place on the xbox you could download the games and yes there is a online multiplier uno there

Can you play old Xbox games on a Xbox one?

No, Xbox 360 games can only be played on the Xbox 360. However some Xbox original games can be played on the Xbox 360.

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go to account, then download history, then click the cancelled download

How do you download castle crashers xbox 360?

Get Xbox live and go to the xbox live game market and purchase it for 1200. you can also download packs for it.

Can an Xbox 360 arcade play Xbox games?

Yes! But not all. go to for a complete list of (original) games that are able to play on the Xbox 360