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You use your mouse and act like the truck is your character.

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Q: Where do you drive the toy truck shrink ray poptropica?
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What to do with the screwdriver in poptropica shrink ray?

use it to open the battery case on the truck

What do you do when the truck on shrink ray island?

In Shrink Ray Island Poptropica, with the truck you use to jump out the window of the girl's room and go and save her. ( But, that is not until almost the end of the game.)

How do you jump out the window on shrink ray island in poptropica?

Put the battery into the truck. Push the book Tess's Tree down from the shelf. Drive the car out the window.

How do you back up the drive on shrink ray island on poptropica?

login then insert the thumb drive and done!

What is the signal that cj is giving you on shrink ray island on poptropica?

Flush the thumb drive

Where is the thumb drive in shrink ray island poptropica?

Under the bed in the girl's room

What if the battry didint work in the toy truck on shrink ray on poptropica?

it will work no matter what don't worry

Can you still get the thumb drive in Shrink Ray Island in Poptropica if I didn't turn on the fun and continued?


Where do you get a baterey on poptropica in shrink ray island?

You get the battery from the remote controlled truck. The screw driver you need to get the battery out is in the kitchen.

Where do you get the key on shrink ray island on poptropica?


What do you do after you flush CJs thumb drive Poptropica?

YouTube poptropica shrink ray island part 5 start watching from there.... maybe go onto part 6

How do You find the shrink ray on shrink ray island in poptropica?

you go to the laptop room there is something by the right side of the light you will know what to do then good luck (and if you click on the rucksack and if you have the thumb drive put it in the computer)