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When he is missing from the Abbey, he can be found at the top of the Tower of Trades, just to the East of Alltrades Abbey. Once found, he will then appear in the abbey, just north of the entrance.

You need the Party Trick 'bow' to enter the tower as there is no key hole but it is locked, you can get bow inside Alltrades Abbey. When you get bow, assign it to one of yours and bow in front of the door of the tower.

Get up the tower, which is easy enough. Just ignore the chests and pots and go for them later.

Then you'll go straight ahead, up the shiny path of light. Then you'll watch a little scene of Jack turning monster then you'll have to fight him.

Then he'll get all sulky and head back. Then you can change your vocation anytime !!

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Firstly, one of the people in Alltrades Abbey will teach you the party trick Bow when you talk to them. This will be essential in your quest to rescue the Abbot.

Once you have done that, leave the Abbey and travel east until you reach a tower. This is the Tower of Trades. Jack is at the top of it, so get going!

If you try to enter the tower, you will find yourself unable to. That won't stop us though. Just bow in front of the door and it will open.

After you enter the tower, you must climb to the top, where the Abbot Jack, or rather, his boss form, the Master of Nu'un, is waiting for you.

To rescue the Abbot Jack, you must challenge and defeat the Master of Nu'un in battle.

Once the Master is defeated, Jack will return to Alltrades Abbey. Feel free to return there yourself afterward, and you will be able to change your vocation.

Also, if you talk to Jack after reaching level 99 after beating the game...

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