What is tppc? :)
if it's Pokemon find a claw fossil underground by mining and give it to the guy in the orberough museum.
well probley not you probley have a mate to give it you? whats tppc?
you cant must be traded seceret sawped you cant must be traded seceret sawped
i have a anorith and i need a lileep my trainen number is 2121302 hey 2121302 I'm trading our code is1659274
Go to memorial caves on Tppc 8.0 and find it on teddiursa
i think you find it in the suicune cup
anorith is a fossil the claw fossil if you ressurect it at the deven corp in rustboro city you will receive it.
eyther buy one or ask for one from me i have a few of them my tppc name is Libra25 and my traner number is 1752088
you first click on tppc legend and find the guy. then beat him in the battle and he'll give you 1/3 rare pokemon.
find a ryhorn evole it and soon you you will get Rhyperior
i will trade a bagon to u give me your #
The Beyond