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Do you remember where sudowoodo was? A little northeast from goldenrod city that is where it is once you catch or defeat it go east and talk to the fat guy he will give you the TM rock smash.

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Q: Where do you get rock smach in Pokemon sliver?
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There is no such thing as a rock scale.

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i can't find it if you got it will you plese put it in the same page plese!! how to get the rock smach TM

What Pokemon can use Rock Smash in Pokemon sliver?

Go to http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net_wiki/Rock_Smash_(move)#Generation_II to find out.

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I dont think you can sell an hm. Uve beaten every pokemon game

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When was Ondrej Smach born?

Ondrej Smach was born on 1986-07-21.