The wraith pet is a death school only pet, if your first school is death, than at lvl 48 you get wraith, you can also get wraith from breeding your pets. But since the wraith's pedigree is so high, it can be quite costly to breed the wraith pet.
no one is really sure where the banshee is, (but people know how to get the blue banshee and life banshee) but some other people say that sergeant skullspitter drops them RARELY. if you were going to try that, its best to bring potions with you, and best armour so you can fight him again and again
you get the blue banshee pet from nightshade in haunted cave from Triton avenue from olde town from the shopping district from the commons. that should be very good directions for trying to get the blue banshee pet! remember, it may take a while to get the blue banshee i know it did for me! i got it on my i don't know 11th time? anyways, don't get mad because you didn't get it on the first try lots of people haven't got it on their first try its like 5 out of 1000! well anyways GOOD LUCK TRYING TO GET THE BLUE BANSHEE! :) NEVER GIVE UP!
No, pet dragons do NOT evolve in Wizard101. animals cant evolve but now yhey grow
your pet heals it energy by itself
by plaing games in the pet pavilion
Yea you can hatch a pet on wizard101 with any 2 pets.
you have to train it in the pet pavailon and feed it pet snacks
You hatch a Satyr and Ice Colossus to get this pet.
Cheese broccoli
At the Pet Derby podium in the Pet Pavilion