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i have all ben10 games like cosmic destruction.ben10 alienforce etc. if you want to get upchuk you have to go on the site YouTube an watch the full video how to get upchuck.

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Q: Where do you type the code for upchuck on ben ten protector of the earth DS?
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Where do you type the code for upchuck on Ben 10 protector of the earth DS?

the code is:a,left,y,right,x,up,b,down,select.if this cheat not used go to the:

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just type in circle,x,x,circle,triangle just type in circle,x,x,circle,triangle just type in circle,x,x,circle,triangle

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yes but only if you go to the extras menu and go to the botom of the extras menu press x and type in this combination wildvine fourarms heatblast wildvine

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