

Best Answer

Go to town square, go into the virtual buildabearworkshop store, click on the bear behind the counter, click on the sentence that says," Enter a web code for you FREE gift?". Then type in the code.

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Q: Where do you use babv codes?
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New babv codes?

What are the babv codes for rare hats?

there is only one hat code in babv a safari hat here is the code ngks-babv-2008

I have lost my codes so.......Does any body have any babv cheats or bear codes?

codes to what?

Can you get other people's bear codes on babv?

sometimes :)

What are some babv reciept codes?

some are that i like pie

Money codes for babv that haven't expired?

sucking my dick

How do you use codes on build a bearville?

You go to the virtual BABW on BABV and click on Champion (the tan bear behind the counter).

Babv party room codes?

376589034 for fashion show room

How do you get a bakers set on Build-a-Bearville?

You have to use a code, visit my channel at youtube and look for the video babv codes updated.

Recent receipt codes for babv?

Mine is 6000-068332-3714-402122

How come it won't let you use already used buildabearville codes?

Cause then you could use your babv code over & over again & you'll get loads of bears

Recent receipt codes for BABV in 2009?

Go Buy Your Own Bear And Get It Yourself.