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well first you need a pokemon that can learn it next when dusknoir pull's you in to the future when you get to dark hill dig can be found over and over again so doan't worry if you loose it XD

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

across from the place you pick up dust in the house most to the left north of where you find sevipers and zangooses (liitle red head)

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βˆ™ 16y ago

You dont get it in slateport town. You get it in fallarbor town in a guys house.

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βˆ™ 16y ago

in caves it gets u straight to the entrance

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βˆ™ 14y ago

you get it in the south west Conner of the national park

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Q: Where do you use the TM dig on Pokemon?
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How do you teach your Pokemon to dig?

first you need the TM dig and then you go to your bag and select the TM dig. then you select use and teach it to your pokemon

Can Blaziken learn dig on Pokemon emerald?

yes. but you have to use the TM dig

What TM number is dig in Pokemon sapphire?

TM 28 is dig

What levels do Pokemon learn dig?

depends on what Pokemon but you can teach it to certain Pokemon through the use of a TM

Can you use the TM dig in Pokemon emerald outside of battle?

Proboly yes

Does other Pokemon know's dig with out a TM in Pokemon ruby?

Other Pokemon do know dig without the TM dig. Most DIGlets know dig. Find diglets in Diglet cave. Hope this helps!

Where can the TM Dig be found in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl?

You can find TM Dig at the Ruin Maniac Cave.

What does TM 28 contain?

TM28 teaches a digging Pokemon how to dig

What PokΓ©mon learn dig by itself in PokΓ©mon sapphire?

i don't think that any Pokemon can learn dig by itself but alot of Pokemon can learn it from the TM. if you don't have the TM then you cant teach your Pokemon dig

Can you buy the TM dig in Pokemon Emerald?


What is TM 28 in Pokemon LeafGreen?


Which Pokemon knows dig on Pokemon emerald?

Dig is a TM, and you can teach it to most ground types.