

Best Answer

Levels 1-20 : Go with the flow! Do the beginner quests and beginner job quests.

Levels 21-25 : Kerning City PQ

Levels 25-30 : Subway PQ (Use Dimensional Portal, and go to Construction Site.

(This PQ is like a min Pyramid PQ, only no difficulties, 3 rounds, and there's no huge skill like that big attack that kills everything.)

Levels 31-50 : Monster Carnival doing TW. Or just scam wins :P.

Levels 31-40 (OPTIONAL) : Pyramid Party Quest.

Levels 51-62ish : Mp3 in Singapore. On 2x.

Levels 63- 72ish : Lower Ascent, mob Wind Raiders. (WARNING: VERY HARD TO GET THERE!!)

Levels 73-80 : Twisted Jesters; 4x EXP card.

Levels 81-90 : Fight Balrogs to Witch Bear and you get alot of xp.

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13y ago
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14y ago

Mushroom Shrine Japan is a good place to train for lvl 24, New Leaf City is a good place too or in kening city construction site, go to the top where there's octopuses, go thru the portal there into a place where it is filled with octopuses with safe spots: CRAZY XP!

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13y ago

it all depends on what lvl you are.You can find out which level shuld train where on but i also recommend these pq's for your level

Henesys pq lvl 10-20

Ariant pq 20-21

Kerning City pq, sleepywoods lvl 21-30


mcpq1 40-50

Sleepwoods(golems) 51-60

mcpq 61-70


neo city 75-80

Romeo/Juliet pq lvl 71-85

86-110 Leafre

111-200 Timeless temple

Some server has Silver Slime the Best(lvl 1-250)

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15y ago

lvl 60 i guess 4 typical of monsters

1. wraiths for a good high spam , change on whips!!!

2. zombie lupins high spawn ( not so good as wraiths)

3. Jr selkies and Jr slimy , a good option if you have alot of money to waste pots , but it has the best exp and spawn.

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14y ago

depends, you should tell what class you are, but I recommend grinding evil eyes in the evil eye cave if you are a mobber and can burn pots. Or else just slowly grind in mushroom dungeon.

Just do monster carnival it best way to lvl from 30-50 fast.

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16y ago

go in a kpq in kerning.Im lv 27 and i train in kpq.

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15y ago

i think the best place to train to level 30 its kerning pq

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15y ago

id say the best place to train for a priest is in the ant tunnel where zombie mushrooms are or you can go kill zombie lupins. both work really well if you have the skill heal

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13y ago

Go to Ghost Ship PQ or Scarecrows or u can do Lord Pirate PQ but i would recommend the Ghost Ship PQ.

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