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First you need to get all 8 badges in konto. Then you talk to pro.Oak he will say you can now go to mt. silver.Then you go to the begining of victory road there will be two guys after there gone go through the opening on the left.Soon there will be a pok'e centerand next to it will be mt.silver.

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

Easy, one you have all the badges you can possibly get go back to the place which you went into to go though Victory Road but instead go left and keep going through that route until you reach the entrance to Mt. Silver.

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βˆ™ 16y ago

There is no such thing as Mount Silver.

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Q: Where is mount silver on Pokemon Gold?
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Where do you find moltres in Pokemon Gold?

In Mount Silver

What Pokemon are in the gold version of Mount silver?

in gold there are lots of different types also the legendary pokemon moltres plus trainer blue

How do you get to mount silver in Pokemon Gold?

You'll need all 16 Gym Badges then you can go to Mt. Silver.

Where is Pokemon moltres?

In Red, Blue, Yellow, Fire Red, and Leaf Green Moltres is in Victory Road. In Gold, Silver, Crystal, and Heart Gold and Soul Silver Moltres is in Mount Silver.

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Ursaring normally appears in victory road, and in the first part of the cave in mount silver.

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its the silver apercorn in Pokemon silver and its the gold apercorn in Pokemon gold

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yes, you can catch larvitar in gold, you can find it in the first level of mount silver. it is rare to find one though

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it really depends on which Pokemon game you have if its heart gold or soul silver fire types can normally be found in mount silver but you would have to defeat the legue first in order to enter

How do you get rainbow wings in Pokemon?

Talk to the man standing by the entrance to Mount Moon, and he will give you the Rainbow Wing (Silver Version) or the Silver Wing (Gold Version)

Is there going to be new Pokemon in Pokemon herat gold and soul silver?

no there wont be but there will be Pokemon that you couldn't get in silver and gold and but no new Pokemon

When will Pokemon Gold and silver come out?

Gold and silver came out in 2003.