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It is to the right of the elevator inside Leisure Towers. You will have to climb the outside and enter through Grandpa's room (33-C), then take the elevator down.

You will need a card marker to play bingo, and Gramma has to be there with you. Get Gramma from her house (far left of the island) by shoveling the snow from her driveway. When you get the leaf blower from the Heffley garage, you can blow the snow away from the snowman, revealing Fregley inside. He will give you his troll doll to use.

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13y ago

in the old folks home- just keep going to the right and you should see it.

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Q: Where is the bingo parlor on Wimpy Wonderland?
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How do you get a blotter in Wimpy Wonderland?

use the bingo troll doll