There is no boss on the pewter moon. The pewter moon is where you meet friendly aliens, who allow you to build a better spaceship. There are three bosses in Astro Knights. One on the Jungle Planet, one on the Fire Planet, and one on the Ice Planet. Good luck!
where is the boss on pewter moon poptropica
On the Pewter Moon, see the manager at AstroZone about replacing your ship.
Using digletts cave to get to pewter city you need to go east of pewter city and mt moon is over there.
on pewter moon
pewter moon
you can just fly back
In Pewter city, behind the gym.
You can travel to Mt. Moon by following the path east of Pewter City.
mt. moon is between pewter city and cerulean city
To fly to the Pewter Moon on Astro Knights Island, you need to build a spaceship by collecting spaceship parts found throughout the island. Once you have assembled the spaceship, you can use it to fly to the Pewter Moon by clicking on it and selecting the moon as your destination.