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Go to the lhama temple intirior ruins on the third iland in there you will see two thrones one of them is broken but if you sit on the one that is intact the lhama crown will apear behind the stage that the throne is on. the crown un lockes the door in dark cave.

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Q: Where is the crown in Sims Castaway?
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Where is the llama kings' crown in sims 2 castaway wii?

The crown is behing the thorn at the middle floor

Where on sims 2 castaway is the llama kings crown?

Behind the king's throne in the llama temple.

Where can you find the llama kings crown on sims 2 castaway?

behind the throne in the llama temple.

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No, there are no pirates in sims castaway.

What do you do with the llama crown on sims 2 castaway?

you use the llama crown on the door with a round hole in it in the dark cave to enter the hidden lagoon

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There's no game sims castaway, just sims casaway 2.

Where is the crown in sims 2 castaway?

Go into the volcano (the temple interior) then look behind the Big thrones at the back of the room. The crown is somewhere behind them.

Do they have sims castaway for PS2?

yes, they have the sims 2 castaway for the PS2

Do you need sims 2 castaway expansion pack to play sims castaway stories?

I believe you can play Sims Castaway Stories without having to download the Sims 2 Castaway expansion pack.

What is sims 2 castaway stories?

the sims 2 castaway is like the sims 2 just your stuck on an island and you ethier live there or try your best to get back home. P.S. sims on PC = sims castaway stories sims on anything else= sims 2 castaway

Can you have a baby on sims castaway on DS?

no you can not have a baby on the sims 2 castaway on ds or ps2 or psp only on sims castaway stories for PC

Do sims 2 castaway people have children?

NO the sims castaway people cant have children on the wii. You can have children on the Sims 2 Castaway for pc.