If you are talking about how you can control it there isn't one in this game. The driver and the control room are hidden inside of it, if there is one.
you dont ever play as a scarab in Halo 3...you play as a scarab in Halo wars.
You can't. You can't drive a scarab on halo 2 or halo 3. Sorry man.
you cant control a scarab you can only destroy them
1 is on outskirts in a green scarab on halo 2 another on metropolis on a high high building on halo 2 the 3rds on metropolis on co-op in the scarab near the scorpion tank on halo 2 last but not least the 4th and last is on the storm in a secret room on halo 3!
no well if u know hoe to drive a scarab in halo 3 then ya u can.
Maybe. with alotta money mind ya
No, there is no really way, execpt if your in a scarab with a scorpion tank, and where ever you aim the scarab aims or moves that way. So it is sort of a way.
in halo 3 there are massive tank like machines caled scarabs.
There are some glitches that you can exploit in halo 3, like super destructive weapons in forge and no text in halo main menu. However, for more common mods like actually driving the scarab or piloting the pelican/phantom, you have to have a dev mod. You can get that developers kit from Microsoft or Bungie.