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You have to get the crossbow from the armory in Count Bram's castle,then shoot the arrows one by one in a vertical line to get to the top.At the top you will see a large carrot-looking thing.This is the Mandrake Root

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if you have the crossbow you go outside and shoot all the way up the wall on the right side then jump on the arrows and fast they will start falling so keep jumping until you reach the mandrake root

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top of a tree

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Q: Where is the mandrake root in poptropica?
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How much of mandrake root wolfsbane and garlic extract do you need to make formula in vampires curse poptropica?

i THINK 3 wolfsbane, 3 garlic, and 1 mandrake.

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What is the duration of The Mandrake Root?

The duration of The Mandrake Root is 1.25 hours.

When was The Mandrake Root created?

The Mandrake Root was created on 2008-06-20.

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1 drop of the mandrake root, 3 drops of the wilted wolfsbane, and 3 drops of the garlic extract.

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one drop of mandrake root, three drops of garlic, and three drops of wilted wolfsbane. hope that was helpful

How do you get the mandrake on Poptropica?

you get out of the castle and there is this wall check outside and if not get more outside and you have to go up the brown wall and there is this pot and you can see the mandrake there.

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It doesn't matter in which order you put these in but you squeeze in: 1 Mandrake Root 3 Wilted Wolfsbane 3 Garlic Extract

Where do you find the mandrake root on Sims 2 castaway PS2?

if you want to find mandrake root you have to go to the 2 island then go to airplane jungle at the crash site and there u go the manddrake root :) hope this helped

How you can find mandrake on sims castaway?

if you want to find mandrake root you have to go to the 2 island then go to airplane jungle at the crash site and there u go the manddrake root :) hope this helped

What plant root is used in friar Lawrence sleeping potion?

The plant root used in Friar Lawrence's sleeping potion is called mandrake root. It is a poisonous plant with a long history in folklore and mythology and is often associated with magical and mystical properties. In Shakespeare's play "Romeo and Juliet," Friar Lawrence uses mandrake root in the potion that puts Juliet into a deep sleep to feign her death.

How do you make the vampire extract in vampire curse poptropica?

you take some garlic you got from the top shelf of the labratory you take some wilted wolfsbane which you got by rolling the burning cannon ball up the dumpwaiter to the labratory. and you take some mandrake root which you got from the outside of the castle. you use the syringe and pick up 2 garlic 2 wilted wolfsbane and 1 mandrake root (something like that)