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you have to play hide and seek with the parrot he goes to the tree at the end right but you jump on the chimney first if you have the cracker from the shop go to the pirate on the big straight thing get the cracker out and it will come hope this helps P.Sget the cracker before your,ve done it all

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Q: Where is the map in parrot port?
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How do you find the parrot in parrot port?

the parrot that you need to get the piece of the map is the red one on the barell

Where do you find the map piece in parrot port?

the parrots master has it fallow the parrot to get it

Where do you find the map on parrot port?

You have to give it a cracker and then follow it until the owner gives you the piece of map.

Where is the map peace on parrot port poptropica?

i don't know now leave me alone

Where is the map piece at parrot port on Skullduggery Island and how to find out he lost his parrot?

you get the biscuit go up to the his tower and put it down then he will find it

How do you find the parrot on poptropica?

The most prominent parrot is at Parrot Port on Skullduggery island. In order to get the map piece from that island, you have to follow the parrot's instructions, including jumping in the ocean and covering up a smoking chimney.

Where is parrot port on Skullduggery Island?

It is the island directly to the right of Fort Ridley, in the 3 o'clock position on the island map.

Who is the owner of the parrot in parrot port on Skullduggery Island?

The owner is the pirate on top of the stone tower by the dock. Get the cracker from inside Petey's Pirate Pub (upper left side). Once you have done what the parrot says, the pirate says it is his parrot. Use the cracker there to bring the parrot to him, and click on the pirate to get the map piece.

Where does the parrot go on parrot port?

look on the roof above you.

Were is the map on parrot port?

first you go into the pub and find the cracker then you click on the parret by the sign and do what he says, and then when he flys away you can call him by clicking on the cracker and then bring him back to his owner and he will give you the map!

Where is the parrot in skull duggery?

He is next to the trading post at Parrot Port.

How do you get the parrot in parrot port on skullduggary island?

get the cracker from the pirate pub!