The teacher is in Mrs. Marie's School of Joy which has a sign with a women with pink hair outside of it.
windfall island
In which Zelda game? In many of them you just have to wait. In The Legend of Zelda, Windwaker you go to windfall island, you must posess the windwaker at this time. climb the hill on windfall island (the island with the big windmill) and you will see a dancing man. talk to him, and then take out your windwaker, and just stand there with your windwaker out for a few seconds. He will then say that he knows the tune, and will do dance moves. Watch him dance...he will point in directions. Then do these same directions in 3/4 time on your windwaker. You will then learn the song of passing, that allows you to switch from day to night anytime.Hope this helped!
There is a certain bed on Windfall that you need to crawl under. That secret place would lead to the camera to be his student.
Once you save Tingle from the Windfall Prison, he will give you a map showing where his island is as well as a few of the Great Fariy islands. His island is one square south and one square west (South-West) from windfall
Yes. You have to learn the song of passing at windfall island. go to the guy who looks like Elvis and show him your wind waker. he will show you the song of passing.
60 joy pendants to the teacher of windfall island.
Tingle (the guy locked in prison on windfall island) who lives on Tingle island. You can warp there using the Ballad of Gales song and have him translate them for you. WARNING: Translating the charts is REALLY EXPENSIVE. (It costs about 400 Rupees)
there is no super hookshot in windwaker
There is no windwaker. The windwaker is in the windwaker, the phantom hourglass is the key item in phantom hourglass
The address of the Windfall Branch is: 109 Mccellan Street, Windfall, 46076 0487
The phone number of the Windfall Branch is: 765-945-7655.
Windfall in Athens was created in 1954.