You get a Wynaut which evolves into Wobbuffet.
Lavaridge town
Go to Lavaridge city
4th Gym is found in the town of Lavaridge, to get there, you must climb up the mountain using the cable car, and then go down while staying in the middle of the road, this will get you to Lavaridge.
Flannery is in lavaridge town in ruby
The Fourth Gym is in Lavaridge City.
Rustboro city, Dewford town, Mauville city, Lavaridge town, Petalburg city, Fortree city, Mossdeep city, Sootopolis city.
Lavaridge Town, after beeting watson, talk to everyone in the city to get rock smash.
The gyms are at: Rustboro City, Dewford Town, Mauville City, Lavaridge Town, Petalburg City, Fortree City, Mossdeep City, Sootopolis City.
Rustboro city, Dewford town, Mauville city, Lavaridge town, Petalburg city, Fortree city, Mossdeep city, Sootopolis city.
Lavaridge is in Hoenn. Leaf Green is set in Kanto, so Lavaridge is impossible to get to.
which game? fire red-cinibar island ruby/sapphire/emerald-lavaridge town