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You cannot find a jet-pack in gta vice city.The developers of the game have not provided any feature like that.The later games by GTA like GTA san andreas do provide a cheat for Jet-Pack.You have some thing different in vice city.You can download mod to fly in Vice city.Then you can fly around in and out the wall without any problem.Apply that mod to the game according to the instructions and well backup the files.

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Q: Where to find jetpack in gta vice city stories psp?
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What is the gta vice city stories jetpack cheat for ps2?

search the psp one

Is there a cheat for jet pack on garnd theft auto vice city stories psp?

There is neither a jetpack in the GTA vice city stories nor a cheat code for it.

How do you get jetpack for Grand Theft Auto vice city stories?

You cannot get a jetpack in the game.You can install a mod for a jet pack.You can have a hack.

How do you get a jetpack in vice city?


What is cheat of jetpack in gta vice city?

Without mods there is no jetpack in Vice City, there is a jet pack in San Andreas however.

Can you get a jetpack in Grand Theft Auto vice city stories psp?

No you cannot get jet pack in VC.but it is possible in GTA sanandreas.

How do you get a jetpack on gta vice city on psp?

you dont get the jet pack in vice city

Is there a cheat for jetpack in gta vice city?

a mod shamal jetpack it comes in d airport

Is there a no gravity cheat for gta vice city stories psp?

no,i think gta san andrears is the only one with a jet pack i think but i know there no jetpack in vice city stories on the psp There is no cheat for a jet pack in gta vice city stories, however after you complete the game 100% a jetpack spawns at the house on Starfish Island where you have to pick up Mary from the party in one of Martinez's missions at the start of the game. You will find it on the wall with the coloured lights against it.

What is the cheat for a jetpack on gta vice city ps2?

there is no cheat for a jetpack in vicecity but maybe there's a mod

How do i get jetpack in gta vice city starman mod?

in a trainer

Where is jetpack in vice city?

There is no jet pack vice city its just a rumor.You can have jet pack in GTA sanAndreas.