A good sale price for the Nintendo DS Lite is around 100 dollars. The game system is starting to get old but it still has a lot of value and shouldn't be sold under 100 dollars.
If one is looking to find information about the Nintendo DS Lite accessories, there is a good amount of information available from the Nintendo website. The Wikipedia site also has a good deal of information to offer on the Nintendo DS Lite accessories.
All DS lite games are the same as the regular Nintendo DS.
A Nintendo Lite in good condition could get about $85 in store credit or if you rather have cash money, probably about $60. Depending on if you do/don't have games and or accessories, the price could possibly go up or down.
The price of a Nintendo DS can vary depending on different offers retailers have. Shopping around may be of benefit as prices can be just for the console or other deals may include various games.
Yes, considering that most Nintendo DS consoles are created in Asia (China) and they work perfectly fine.
About 120$ if it is in mint condition, if you are planning on buying a dsi don't sell your ds games because you can play them on your dsi! this paragraph up above is from the other reader and she/he was wrong a ds lite during 2011 would be worth about $87 which is not a lot but hey! its better than having to pay the whole entire price! i hope you get your own a dsi or a dsixl!
Game would probably be your best bet as they will do one for £49.99 (half price).
The question is can you read japanese? But seriously, if you already have a Nintendo DS lite that works fine then you shouldn't buy one unless you lose it or if it breaks
well mainly because it is a touch and also because there is lots of Mario games and all Mario games is Popular
Well its difficult to say exactly how much you could get for a ds lite that is pre-owned because it deppends on the condition of it. If it was it pretty good condition then probably around £35.