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Q: Where you can get air hockey in Megaman cybeast gregar?
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What is the difference between air hockey and push hockey?

Push hockey does not have air like air hockey does

What is the password for air hockey?

did you try "air hockey"?

When was Air hockey created?

Air hockey was created in 1972.

Can Megaman dash up on air on psp?

No, we can't dash up in the air

Why is air hockey called air hockey?

The table is set up like a hockey rink and air comes from the bottom to help the disk move faster.

What game the puck is used?

a puck

How old is woodman on megaman 2 in 1988?

Wood man and air man are the oldest in megaman 2 back then so either 18 or 19 or 20

what size air hockey table should I buy?

The best size air hockey table would depend on the size of space you have for it. I am including a couple of sites for you to check out this site talks about all you need to know. This site is reviews of air hockey tables

Will Megaman starforce air in the US?

yep, in fact i think i should have aired already

Can you use your hand in Air hockey?


Can you cross the line in air hockey?


How much does an air hockey puck weigh?

An air hockey puck typically weighs between 1 and 2.5 ounces.