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you get it from woad leaves. Either buy these in the Falador garden, or you can buy them in the grand exchange

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Q: Which Plant which gives a blue dye?
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What is a four letter word for blue dye?

Anil it is the indigo plant or the blue dye obtained from it

What is the color indigo made of?

Blue dye was made from the indigo plant because all this is possible if you dry the leaves of this plant you will discoverer that gives off a powdered flake when water is added to the powder flakes a blue substance is formed therefore becoming blu dye.

Why does blue dye show up better in a plant than red dye?

because blue dye is better than red

What plant was used for blue dye?


Plant yielding a blue dye or the dye itself?

Type your answer here... woad

What was the name for the plant from which a blue dye was produced?


What plant did they use to dye stuff blue in colonial days?

the blue dye exported by southern colonies was called ?

What is a dye yielding plant 4 letter ending in il?

Woad (Isatis tinctoria) is a dye yielding plant that produces a blue dye from its leaves.

What is the name of a dye-yielding plant?

Indigofera tinctoria, commonly known as true indigo, is a dye-yielding plant used to produce a blue dye called indigo.

What meaning of anil?

It should be the indigo plant's blue dye

How do you make blue color?

If something is not already blue, you can dye it. Indigo is a plant famous for its blue dye. It was used to make blue jeans. However the dye can now be made in the laboratory.

How does kira make the blue dye in gathering blue?

Kira never actually makes blue in the book. She has just received a blue dye plant and planted it when the story ends.