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At the start of the game, there is a choice between three Pokemon to choose. Mudkip can learn dive as he is a water/mud Pokemon. Another Pokemon that can learn dive is kyogre, which is at the end of the game. Any water Pokemon should be able to learn dive, surf and waterfall though.

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You get it from the place where you beat the twin gym leaders then go to Stevens house and he"ll have dive then after you beat the elite four go to his house and a beldum is on the table

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Q: Which Pokémon can learn dive in Pokémon emerald?
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Pokemon LeafGreen can you learn dive?

Dive is not an HM in leafgreen however some Pokemon can learn it on there own, if you want to have a Pokemon with dive have the Pokemon that you want learn dive in ruby or sapphire or emerald then have them trade you it and now you can use dive but not outside of battle because its not an HM.

Were to get dive in FireRed?

Dive is not an HM in firered if you want a Pokemon to learn dive trade it to ruby, sapphire or emerald then take it back after teaching it the move.

Were do you go to learn the hm dive on Pokemon sapphire?

i think mossdep, but i play emerald

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Gyarados cannot learn Dive by itself from leveling and must learn it from the HM Dive which is not available in Pokemon Platinum. The HM for Dive is only available in Pokemon versions; Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, White, Black, White2, and Black2

Where is dive in pokemon LeafGreen?

You cannot get HM Dive in Pokémon LeafGreen.Since Dive is not an HM in leafgreen the only way to get one of your Pokemon to learn Dive is to trade it to ruby, sapphire or emerald then teach it Dive using the HM then trade it back to leafgreen.

What Pokemon can learn dive in emerald?

Here is the list of all the pokemon that can learn dive by TM:

How do you get into the Sootopolis Gym on Pokemon Emerald?

you have to learn dive first beat the twins then get dive go on you way to sootopolis and when you see dark spots in the water use divethat's how you get into sootopolis

Pokemon emerald how do i learn to dive?

First you need the HM that teachs Dive its obtained from Steven after you defeat Team Magma at the Space Center at Mossdeep City to get it go to his house and talk to him to get it.

How do you learn dive in Pokemon FireRed?

Since dive is not a HM in firered you will have to trade a Pokemon to a friend that has ruby, sapphire or emerald then using that game use the HM Dive to teach the move Dive to that Pokemon trade it back so firered can have that Pokemon again it will still have Dive however you cannot use it to dive underwater.

What to do after you get dive in Pokemon emerald?

get rayquaza

What level does a barboach learn dive?

It doesn't. The only way you can teach it this is if your playing Black,White,Ruby,Sapphire,Emerald and you teach it HM08/HM06

What place will you beat may to get hm dive in Pokemon emerald?

You get Dive from steven not may.