As far a physical strength, the Paladin is stronger. It is meant to be a melee class and melee classes are always physically stronger than caster classes. Now, warlocks are stronger at magic damage as they are a caster. Magic damage goes right through armor.
It depends on how you want to play- if you like playing with the horde (tauren, orcs, blood elves, trolls, undead, and soon to be goblins): then you might like playing: Blood elf- Paladin, Mage, Warlock, Priest, Deathknight Undead- Rogue, Warlock, Mage, Priest, Deathknight Tauren- Shaman, Druid, Hunter, Warrior (and soon to be paladin in cataclysm), Deathknight Orc- Warrior, Shaman, Warlock, Hunter, Death Knight Troll- Rogue, Mage, Priest, warrior, shaman, Death Knight But if you like playing with the Alliance- Dwarf- Paladin, warrior, priest, hunter Human- Paladin, warrior, mage, warlock, priest Gnome- rogue, mage, warlock Night elf- druid, priest, hunter, rogue Dreanai- Warrior, paladin, priest Its all up to play style
A Wrathmonk is basically an angry warlock and of powered. A Wrathmonks power is stronger than him or her self.
From all of the classes below I can't compare any to a gypsy class. Warrior Monk Paladin Mage Hunter Warlock Priest Rogue Shaman Druid Death Knight
paladin gear
The Paladin was created in 1988.
Paladin goes by Paladin.
The Paladin has 400 pages.
John Paladin is 6'.
Crimson Paladin Armor
Male = warlock, Female = witch.
38 = Paladin Class Shop ID 15 = Yulgar Paladin Storeroom