I'd say that once you figure out a pattern for trading on Skulduggery, that one is easier, but it's also a lot more time-consuming because you have to trade for a while to save up for the biggest ship.
Wimpy Wonderland Red Dragon Island Counterfeit Island Mythology Island Astro Knights Skullduggery
You do not get or use a bucket on Astro Knights Island.
There is no treasure chest on Astro Knights Island.
There are no bird eggs in astro knights island.
its on the island
How do you talk to the girl in the hay loft at astro knights island?
On every island you have to be the one to save whatever needs saving. That includes the kingdom in Astro Knights Island.
Once you have built a new spaceship on Astro Knights Island, it will park on top of the castle whenever you leave the island.
Astro Knights
With Mordred
it is in the left
on astro knights island