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it depends on your psp. for example i am using PSP-2000 which i use firmware 4.01 and for my PSP-3000 i am using firmware 5.03.

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Q: Which psp firmware is best?
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What firmware is best for PSP?

New version comes out is the best version but i should be custom firmware because without custom firmware you can not play free games in PSP.

What is the best firmware for PSP slim?

the best firmware is 5.03. if you go to, then look for chcikHEN R2 it will help run homebrew on your psp. for example psptube (youtube for psp cfw)

Can you put the PSP 5.00 firmware on a Original PSP?

Yes, you can The firmware goes across board to all models of PSP. This includes the Customer Firmware and the Original Firmware.

What is the newest firmware for PSP?

The newest known firmware for the PSP is 5.54

In terms of custom firmware which psp is the best?

Custom Firmware is illegal<-----EDIT:Thats not what he was asking, please asnwer the question

What is psp custom firmware?

Custom firmware allows you to do things on your psp that you wouldn't normally do. Like playing gameboy games on your psp. Made by psp hackers its your choice whether you trust them or not. If you do the best way to get it is to use a Pandora battery only available at It only works with psp 1000 and 2000

When you format your PSP does the mod get deleted from the PSP?

I'm not sure what you mean by "the mod" but I think you may be referring to a "custom firmware". If so, you can safely format your PSP's memory stick without removing the custom firmware. This is because the custom firmware is stored in the internal PSP flash memory, not on your memory stick. If you want to remove the custom firmware, you will need to just install an official firmware onto the psp. The easiest way to do this is to put in a PSP game that comes with a firmware upgrade and choose that option. Then I would recommend having the psp do a Network Update.

Is psp firmware 6.00 hackable?

Hacking the firmware depends on the PSP's motherboard, not the current firmware installed. If you're asking whether or not it can be made into a custom firmware, then the answer is yes, but all homebrew would have to be rewritten for it.

Just upgraded psp to firmware 6.3 How do you downgrade it back to firmware 6.2?

I'm sorry, but you can not downgrade it back to firmware 6.2 Any firmware after around version 5.5 cannot be downgraded i think. It also depends whether you have a psp 2000 or psp 3000 I have a psp 3000 and it was too late for me to downgrade

Where do you get the firmware for psp 1000 games?

The best place I can think of is websites such as,,,

Is there a Custom firmware for psp 6.20?

Right now there isn't. If you want to get custom firmware for psp version 6.20 you need to downgrade to custom firmware using a Pandora battery.

Which firmware is used to play downloaded games in psp 3004?

You need the latest firmware to access the PSN, you can update the PSP from the XMB.